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Montessori in the Jungle of Panama
Teacher Lineth Montezuma
prepares sandpaper numbers
for a math exercise
Montessori in the
Jungle of Panama

Training for Indigenous School Teachers
Free article with photographs

This inspirational article describes a three-week Montessori training program for indigenous Ngöbe-Bugle school teachers in Western Panama. It is a follow-up to Victorino's Story. The article was featured in Montessori Leadership, the journal of the International Montessori Council.

Montessori in the Jungle of Panama

This course, one of several in preparation for the establishment of an indigenous university on the Ngöbe homeland, included sessions on Montessori teaching methods and the production of hands-on sensorial and math materials. The training was sponsored by the Mona Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting educational initiatives and raising the status of women and girls worldwide.

What People Are Saying

"This was the best training we have ever had." - Roberto Palacio, Teacher, Alto Naranjo School

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