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A Wider Vision: An Introduction to the Five Year Plan PowerPoint on the Five Year Plan
A Wider Vision
An Introduction to the Five Year Plan

$19.00    Free!
Download, 175 slides, notes & study guide

This colorful slide show presents an overview of the Five Year Plan (2011-2016) - the fifth in a series with the explicit aim of advancing the process of entry by troops. The PowerPoint summarizes the text and uses vivid images to illustrate key messages from the Universal House of Justice. The presentation is intended for use by individuals, groups and institutions, and is organized around 19 themes.

BONUS! A study guide to accompany the PowerPoint is included. Handouts include: A Glossary of 5YP Terms, Social Action and Public Discourse, Integration of the Arts, an original song, a word puzzle and a coloring page for kids. We are making this program available for free as a service to the Bahá'í community - our gift to Bahá'u'lláh.

Note: This is a large file and should be downloaded to a laptop or desktop computer, and viewed using Microsoft’s PowerPoint to provide full support for the animations and formatting.

A Wider Vision: An Introduction to the Five Year Plan    A Wider Vision: An Introduction to the Five Year Plan    A Wider Vision: An Introduction to the Five Year Plan    A Wider Vision: An Introduction to the Five Year Plan    A Wider Vision: An Introduction to the Five Year Plan

"Wow! The PowerPoint is WONDERFUL. To have another way of digesting the tremendous amount of profound information...is so helpful. Having the visual cues is a great aid. And the song is great fun! Thank you for sharing your beautifully realized efforts.” — Red Grammer 

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Click here to download A Wider Vision

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